Radio and Television Announcers:

Speak or read from scripted materials, such as news reports or commercial messages, on radio or television. May announce artist or title of performance, identify station, or interview guests.

Also includes

About the Job

Indiana Average Salary $28,110.00
Average Time to Fill 0 days
Typical Education Associate's degree
Typical Experience Over 2 years, up to and including 4 years
10 Year Projected Openings (2021-2031) 806
10 Year Expected Percentage Change (2021-2031) 5.41 %

For more information on the new projection methodology, visit Hoosiers by the Numbers .

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Skills Profile

Essential (Soft) Skills

Essential Skills to Employers

Attention to Detail
Oral Communication
Information Gathering
Written Communication
Work Ethic
Technology and Tool Usage
Critical Thinking
Customer Service

Top Job Duties and Responsibilities

Controlling Machines and Processes

Play radio or television programming according to broadcast schedule
Operate communications, transmissions, or broadcasting equipment
Operate broadcast regulating equipment
Operate recording or broadcast studio controls
Operate controls for sound, lighting or video

Thinking Creatively

Rehearse role independently from script to learn lines
Perform musical selections for audiences or recordings
Write articles concerning the news or analysis commentary
Determine presentation subjects or content

Getting Information

Research information for news programs and broadcasts
Research topics for educational or entertainment programs
Interview others for news, research, or entertainment purposes
Gather information for news stories

Communicating with Persons Outside Organization

Provide commentary or analysis concerning historical periods or events
Report news to the public
Inform viewers, listeners, or audiences

Equal Opportunity is the Law. (La Igualdad De Oportunidad Es La Ley.)
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.