Therapists, All Other:

All therapists not listed separately.

Also includes

Art Therapists , Music Therapists

About the Job

Indiana Average Salary $46,660.00
Average Time to Fill 0 days
Typical Education Bachelor's degree
Typical Experience
10 Year Projected Openings (2021-2031) 496
10 Year Expected Percentage Change (2021-2031) 17.17 %

For more information on the new projection methodology, visit Hoosiers by the Numbers .

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Skills Profile

Essential (Soft) Skills

Essential Skills to Employers

Attention to Detail
Oral Communication
Customer Service
Information Gathering
Critical Thinking
Work Ethic
Written Communication
Intellectual Risk-taking

Top Job Duties and Responsibilities

Assisting and Caring for Others

Administer rehabilitation interventions
Monitor fit of prosthetic or selected medical support devices
Fit patients for prosthetic or assistive devices
Provide physical therapy to patients or clients
Refer patients to other healthcare practitioners or health resources
Apply traction to patients
Massage patient or client
Treat psychological disorders and issues
Fit medical supportive devices
Adjust medical supportive or assistive devices such as prostheses
Prepare patients for tests, therapy, or treatments
Identify patient's current and past drug history
Provide in home patient care
Practice preventive procedures with medical therapy patients or clients
Administer basic health care or medical treatments
Solve clinical problems
Treat medical condition of patient
Develop medical treatment plans
Establish treatment goals
Develop patient therapy programs
Operate therapeutic medical instruments or equipment
Test patient heart or lung functioning
Assist individuals with mental or social disabilities, handicaps, or illnesses
Conduct individual, group, or family interventions
Assist individuals with physical disabilities, handicaps, or illnesses

Equal Opportunity is the Law. (La Igualdad De Oportunidad Es La Ley.)
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.