Motion Picture Projectionists:

Set up and operate motion picture projection and related sound reproduction equipment.

Also includes

About the Job

Indiana Average Salary
Average Time to Fill 0 days
Typical Education No formal education or less than high school equivalency
Typical Experience None
10 Year Projected Openings (2021-2031) 35
10 Year Expected Percentage Change (2021-2031) 41.67 %

For more information on the new projection methodology, visit Hoosiers by the Numbers .

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Skills Profile

Essential (Soft) Skills

Essential Skills to Employers

Attention to Detail
Work Ethic
Information Gathering
Resource Allocation
Customer Service
Critical Thinking

Top Job Duties and Responsibilities

Controlling Machines and Processes

Operate film or video recording equipment
Create special visual effects for film or video
Operate audio-visual equipment
Operate recording or broadcast studio controls
Operate power or hand tools for installation, maintenance, or repair

Thinking Creatively

Edit film scenes
Implement special lighting or sound effects

Equal Opportunity is the Law. (La Igualdad De Oportunidad Es La Ley.)
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.