Operate data entry device, such as keyboard or photo composing perforator. Duties may include verifying data and preparing materials for printing.
Also includes
Primary Industry | Business Management and Administration |
Indiana Average Salary | $27,360.00 |
Average Time to Fill | 29 days |
Typical Education | Post-secondary certificate or some college courses |
Typical Experience | Over 6 months, up to and including 1 year |
Current Openings | |
2 Year Projected Openings (2022-2024) | 522 |
2 Year Expected Percentage Change (2022-2024) | -1.52 % |
10 Year Projected Openings (2021-2031) | 1,996 |
10 Year Expected Percentage Change (2021-2031) | -19.62 % |
For more information on the new projection methodology, visit Hoosiers by the Numbers .
Skill or Certification | Certi - fication | Certification | Hard to Fill | Expensive to Fill |
Retail Accounts | ||||
Schematic Diagrams | ||||
Accounting | ||||
Computer Installation and Setup | ||||
Sorting | ||||
Customer Billing | ||||
Sales | ||||
Project Management |